
00353 870562704 (internationally) or 0870562704 (in Ireland)

Broken weave concepts 

1960s Kitchen Interior
Greyscale sketch

Shape sketches

Bluesky environment and creature sketches

Motte & Bailey Gateway- interpretation of a wooden gatehouse based on a 14th century illustrated manuscript- with and without roof- sketches for Moybologue medieval landscape commission

Some sketch options showing how a megalith may have been moved into place

Griffin Creature Turnaround

Roman Legionaire Character Turnaround

Viking Sword Prop Design

Pirate Captain Cabin

Roman Atrium

Viking Rus interior of church

Viking Rus Church Props
Interior for Viking Rus house

Pen & Ink sketches for a warm climate settlement for a personal project
Rus Town Map & Accompanying area sketches (seen in large in B&W section)

Amazonian Village
Amazonian Market ideation

Amazion Market ideation
Amazonian village ground view
00353 870562704 (internationally) or 0870562704 (in Ireland)
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