00353 870562704 (internationally) or 0870562704 (in Ireland)
Broken weave concepts |
Motte & Bailey Gateway- interpretation of a wooden gatehouse based on a 14th century illustrated manuscript- with and without roof- sketches for Moybologue medieval landscape commission |
Some sketch options showing how a megalith may have been moved into place |
Griffin Creature Turnaround |
Roman Legionaire Character Turnaround |
Pirate Captain Cabin |
Roman Atrium |
Viking Rus interior of church |
Viking Rus Church Props |
Interior for Viking Rus house |
Pen & Ink sketches for a warm climate settlement for a personal project |
Rus Town Map & Accompanying area sketches (seen in large in B&W section)
Amazonian Village |
Amazonian Market ideation |
Amazion Market ideation |
Amazonian village ground view |
00353 870562704 (internationally) or 0870562704 (in Ireland)
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